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How To Build a Pipeline?

A pipeline is the entrypoint for logs in FlowG. Logs can be ingested via:

  • the REST API on a specific pipeline's endpoint
  • the Syslog Server endpoint (UDP)

As such, a pipeline flow will always have 2 root nodes:

  • DIRECT: for logs ingested via the pipeline's API endpoint
  • SYSLOG: for logs received via the Syslog endpoint

From those nodes, you are able to add the following type of nodes:

  • Transform nodes: Call a transformer to refine the log record and pass the result to the next nodes
  • Switch nodes: Pass the log record to the next nodes only if it matches the node's filter
  • Pipeline nodes: Pass the log record to another pipeline
  • Alert nodes: Send the log to an Alert webhook
  • Router nodes: Store the log record into a stream

Using those nodes, a pipeline is able to parse, split, refine, enrich and route log records to the database.

About Syslog

FlowG provides an UDP endpoint capable of receiving Syslog events. Here is an example of syslog-ng destination to forward logs to FlowG:

destination d_flowg {
udp("" port(5514) template("mypipeline: $MSG\n"))

The event will be sent to all pipelines, it is up to the user to filter out the events from the SYSLOG source node. In the example above, the event's message is prefixed with mypipeline: . Such prefixes can be used to refine the log entry in a transformer, and filter out the messages:

pipeline screenshot