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From Prebuilt Binaries

Go to the latest release page and download the archive corresponding to your Operating System and architecture, then:

tar xvf flowg-${VERSION}-${OS}-${ARCH}.tar.gz
sudo install -m 755 ./bin/flowg-server /usr/local/bin/flowg-server

NB: Adjust the VERSION, OS and ARCH variables to the archive you downloaded.

Then, start the server with:

flowg-server \
--auth-dir /var/lib/flowg/data/auth \
--log-dir /var/lib/flowg/logs \
--config-dir /var/lib/flowg/config \
--http-bind \
--mgmt-bind \

NB: All the options are optional and default to the values shown above.

For more informations about the command line interface, please consult this document.

From Sources


  • Go 1.22+
  • C Toolchain
  • Rust and Cargo (edition 2021)
  • NodeJS

First fetch the source code:

git clone
cd flowg

Then run the build system:

go install
task build
sudo install -m 755 ./bin/flowg-server /usr/local/bin/flowg-server

Then start the server like you would do with prebuilt binaries.

Using Docker

docker run \
-p 5080:5080/tcp \
-p 9113:9113/tcp \
-p 5514:5514/udp \
-v flowg-data:/data \

Or if you are on ARM:

docker run \
-p 5080:5080/tcp \
-p 9113:9113/tcp \
-p 5514:5514/udp \
-v flowg-data:/data \

Using Kubernetes

First fetch the source code:

git clone
cd flowg

Then deploy the Helm chart:

helm install flowg ./k8s/charts/flowg \
--create-namespace \
--namespace flowg-system \
--set flowg.nodeName="<the k8s node>" \

NB: FlowG does not support yet clustering. Therefore it MUST run on a single Kubernetes node. This must be configured via the flowg.nodeName value. An empty/undefined/incorrect node name will result in a failure to start FlowG.

This will automatically deploy Fluentd alongside FlowG in order to collect logs from all pods.

Once deployed, you can forward the port of the WebUI and API to your localhost:

kubectl port-forward svc/flowg 5080:5080 --namespace flowg-system
kubectl port-forward svc/flowg 9113:9113 --namespace flowg-system

Security considerations

By default, the Syslog endpoint is open to everyone. If that behavior is undesirable, you can:

Configure Client certificate authentication

By using the Syslog protocol tcp+tls instead of udp (the default), you can require Client certificate authentication:

flowg-server \
--syslog-proto="tcp" \
--syslog-tls \
--syslog-tls-cert="/path/to/cert.pem" \
--syslog-tls-key="/path/to/cert.key" \

Configure allowed origins

Otherwise, you can restrict which IP address (or range) will be allowed:

flowg-server \
--syslog-allow-origin="" \

Or via an environment variable:


Next Steps

Once deployed, FlowG creates a default pipeline and a default account with the credentials root / root.

You now have access to: