How Authentication Works?
FlowG uses a Role Based Access Control design (RBAC for short). Each role assigns permissions to one or more of the following scopes:
Scope Name | Description |
read_pipelines | Can see a pipeline's flow, but cannot update it nor delete it |
write_pipelines | Can create, read, update or delete a pipeline flow |
read_transformers | Can see the source code of a transformer, but cannot update it nor delete it |
write_transformers | Can create, read, update, or delete a transformer script |
read_streams | Can query a stream |
write_streams | Can purge a stream |
read_alerts | Can see alert webhooks |
write_alerts | Can create, read, update or delete alert webhooks |
read_acls | Can list users and roles, but cannot update them nor delete them |
write_acls | Can create, read, update or delete roles and users |
send_logs | Can send logs to a pipeline for processing (useful for log sources) |
Each user is associated to one or more roles. A user has a required password, and can have zero or more personal access tokens.
Password and Token encryption
Any secret is hashed using the Argon2 algorithm.
For each role, there will be an index key with the following format:
index:role:<role name>
For example:
For each scope associated to the role, there will be a key with the following format:
role:<role name>:<scope name>
For example:
For each user, there will be an index key with the following format:
For example:
Each user will have a key containing the hashed password with the following format:
user:<username>:password = argon2(password)
For example:
user:admin:password = ...
For each role associated to the user, there will be a key with the following format:
user:<username>:role:<role name>
For example:
For each Personal Access Token associated to the user, there will be a key with the following format:
pat:<username>:<uuid> = argon2(token)
For example: