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Getting Started

FlowG is a log processing platform that lets you ingest, transform, and query logs using a visual pipeline builder. It handles structured logs without requiring predefined schemas.

FlowG's primary goal is to make log refinement and routing as easy as possible. As such, it relies on React Flow to help you build such pipelines with as little code as possible. For the actual code part, we use the Vector Remap Language, which gives a solid base for log refinement.

It aims to replace tools like Logstash by integrating the feature right in the solution.

It also leverages BadgerDB which is a battle tested Key/Value database, with the right feature set to easily support indexing dynamically structured logs, as well as log compression.


Using Docker

docker run \
-p 5080:5080/tcp \
-p 5514:5514/udp \
-v flowg-data:/data \
linksociety/flowg:latest serve

Using Kubernetes

git clone
cd flowg
helm install flowg ./k8s/charts/flowg \
--create-namespace \
--namespace flowg-system \
kubectl port-forward svc/flowg 5080:5080 --namespace flowg-system

This will automatically deploy Fluentd alongside FlowG in order to collect logs from all pods.

Next Steps

Connect to http://localhost:5080 with the default credentials root / root.